Dear Listener,
As you listen to this album, know that I will be "somewhere, out there" Praising Jesus Christ for (amongst MANY other things)…
A) Giving me something worth writing, singing & sharing and the opportunity to connect with Him and others through creativity!
2) Providing for this dream to become a reality through 80+ CrowdFunders (via GoFundMe.com) who partnered with me as Executive Producers to fund this project… my heart is STILL overwhelmed by your love & encouragement through support!
3) The ROCKSTAR team He put together, in His perfect timing, to create this project, including the close faith~family of friends (Mayhues, McConnells, Noblitts & Phaneufs, I’m looking at y’all) who just went above & beyond to help me through this process... I am BEYOND blessed to know you all and call you friends, family through Christ and creativer collaborators!
D) is for DAMRON! We aren't perfect, but PRAISE Jesus for my AMAZINGly DEluxe faith~walking, Jesus~worshipping, music~loving family! ESPECIALLY my two little FABULOUS nieces whose young lives have inspired me to "STOP waiting until…and just START living!!!" And a special shout~out to my sweet DeweyGranny who would have just REALLY loved this whole thang! / Find out more about my awesomesauce family at: NEWDAYNET.NET & TERRANOVAACADEMY.COM
For ALL this, and SO much more (you know, like...Creating EVERYTHING, then Dying to save all the LOST and heal the broken and resurrect Hope after dreams are destroyed, for Redeeming the wasted days and the lives of myself and anyone else who calls upon Your name, as well as Your never~ending love, patience and overall ULTIMATE AWESOMEness)… thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU my sweet Savior... may you get any and ALL glory and praise!
With lots of love & FABULOUSness, from somewhere on the road, “pressing on towards The Prize” (Phil. 3:12)
~ MissA
Executive Producers ~ Alana Denise Damron & CrowdFunding Supporters via GoFundMe.com/ Project Arranged, Engineered and Produced by Jacob Paul at InsideOut Studio in Farmington, Arkansas / Additional Percussion by Marcus Sugg & Violin by Emile Phaneuf / Mixed by Don Kennedy & Jacob Paul / Mastered by David Monsta Lynch at MonstaJam Studios in Louisville, Kentucky ©2015 / "Hist'ry Here", " My Happy Place" & "Glorious Story" CoWritten by Bradley Noblitt / "Not Today" CoWritten by Howell Medders
Hymn & Praise Chorus Medleys CoArranged with Sarah B. Damron / Copyright Permission to use clips from "Victory in Jesus" by Eugene Monroe Bartlett (Z3YkPpNm), "I'll Fly Away" by Albert E. Brumley (tqVTBqbs), "Got Any Rivers" by Oscar C. Eliason (6Hh2qdTA) and "Jesus is the One" by Dianne Wilkinson (vu4Pssdx)